Monday, September 18, 2006

Catalina Island Retirement Celebration

Catalina Retirement Celebration: In honor of Mom and Dad Eastman the kids (Jeff, Chris, and Kim) put together a surprise Catalina Island vacation. We all wanted to celebrate the retirement and move to AZ of our parents as well as Mom's birthday.

We left San Pedro Harbor at 9am on Wednesday (9/13). Once on the island we and spent the day walking around Avalon and eating lunch at the EL Galleon. At 2pm we checked into our amazing 2 bed./2 bath villas at Hamilton Cove, and then explored the beautifully manicured grounds. The next day Mom and Bob's friends (Bob and Susan) surpirsed them by showing up with their boat from San Diego harbor. We spent the afternoon having lunch and drinks on the water. Some of us kayaked, snorkeled, and drove around in the dingy. That night we had a lovely sunset dinner at Steve's Steakhouse. The next day was spent poolside at our condos and then we left on the 4pm boat back home. What a wonderful celebration with family and friends!

Chris loves holding and playing with Ryder. Kimmie's boys are such a blessing from the Lord!

After enjoying the sound of the waves crashing aganist the cliffs all night, Chris enjoyed his morning cup of coffee and breakfast on our villa's balcony. Catalina Island--the only place to watch the sunrise over the ocean while in California.

"We're cousins. We're two of a kind!"

The whole crew on the golf carts. Ryder loved going in the golf carts--he'd squeal the entire way to Avalon and back.

Hamilton Cove. Tucked into the mountain side, Hamilton Cove feels like a Mediterranean paradise. Each condo is individually owned so they are uniquely decorated. A golf cart came with each unit, which was fun to drive into the town of Avalon.

Avalaon city and harbor.

The famous Avalon casino.

Our little family (minus Bali). We were getting ready to leave for the retirement celebration dinner in downtown Avalon at Steve's Steakhouse.

Grandma can't wait until Halloween, so she bought Ryder a pumkin outfit...he's so cute!

On our way back from Avalon to Hamilton Cove.

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